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Thank you SolArt!









SolArt is a friendly place that has always opened up its doors to let our band in, hence, through its windows project our music out and loud !

Rafa Navejas - Enjambre

Well, I’m partly writing this on behalf of my band, Torreblanca (Mexico City) but I am mostly writing it out of my own heart. And I have to say that meeting Sali and Carla and getting to know (closely) their efforts and endeavours as SolArt (Radio, Booking, I didn´t get the pleasure of hanging at the Gallery Café, but I have been blessed by their supports in TourManaging, MagicHappeningMaking, BoomerangThrowing, GroupTherapyGiving, InspirationGaloreProviding, HousingFeedingLoving and reminding everyone who comes in touch with them what an effing BEAUTIFUL word Solidarity is… sadly, for Mexicans such as myself, that word was violently prostituted by the Salinato) has been a most extraordinary thing for me. Generosity is something that music has made me come upon a couple times in my life, but it’s hard to place people on Sali and Carla’s extreme level of it. There’s a sort of Utopia in my head about what making music and working around music for the love of it should be like. But it’s not entirely a utopic landscape because that place exists, it’s in Santa Ana California, it’s the SolArt HQ and I am a very lucky guy to have been part of their crazy cool adventures. We’ve had so much fun. We’ve played unexpectedly to packed venues in cities we didn’t even know existed before (when the Hoppo guys invited us to open for them) and we managed to win the crowd over. I could say many more things but to keep this short, all I need to say is: I love you always SolArt, I miss you and I thank you, thank you, thank you for everything! Long live SolArt.

Juan Manuel Torreblanca - Torreblanca


Como músico, artista, como ser humano, una de las cosas que busco es poder compartir el arte, las experiencias de vida y la magia sanadora que es la creatividad con otros seres humanos de la manera más honesta y directa posible. Es fácil perder el norte en un mundo en el que aveces pareciera se nos ha olvidado lo más importante. Trabajar con Solart Radio ha sido una de las experiencias más regeneradoras y restauradoras de fe ya que siempre me recuerda y reafirma la posibilidad de encontrarse en el camino con gente que está en la misma búsqueda, gente que se entrega de corazón entero a crear esos momentos mágicos en el compartir del arte.

Natalie Reyes -Tigria

Siempre que me preguntan por mi ciudad favorita de USA, digo sin dudarlo LA. y lo justifico diciendo que es una ciudad llena de magia. Ahora que lo pienso es en gran medida por la magia de Solart. Es increible la generosidad que tienen, y como todo el mundo quiere relacionarse con ellas. Santa Ana es un lugar al que mi mente siempre va cuando quiero estar en un "Happy Place"

Ulises Hadjis

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